How to Create Issue Templates in GitHub

Issue templates can help users include the right information in their issue and save time for maintainers. There are two ways to create issue templates in GitHub: an file that prescribes what should appear anytime someone selects »

GitHub for Writers

How to use GitHub as a documentation tool, using only your web browser What is GitHub? GitHub is a version control system for code, documentation, and issue tracking. Like Bitbucket and GitLab, GitHub is based on the command-line tool, git. GitHub »

A Pattern Language for Documentation

A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, and Murray Silverstein I’ve put together some research into using the concept of design patterns for documentation. I’m also using this content to experiment »

Plain Writing Resources

US Plain Writing Act of 2010 Government Publications Final Guidance on Implementing the Plain Writing Act of 2010 by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Federal Plain Language Guidelines - 2011 PLAIN Principles of Plain Language Exercise »

Using the Positive Lens

We nevertheless concluded that the materials needed to change to fit expectations and propensities of the users. – John M. Carroll, Creating Minimalist Instruction: International Journal of Designs for Learning 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 2 When users shifted »